Monday, May 26, 2008

I'm Giving Up I Don't Give a Fuck Because Nothings The Same

It's weird the things you build up in your head as meaning so much to you and then once your face to face with those things you realize they don't mean anything. It's kinda a shame but life goes on.

I've spent the couple days in Kelowna mostly just kickin it at my dads house, bin pretty uneventful. Had a conversation with someone I never thought I would again, realized how happy I am I'm done high school and re assisted some things that I held to close for to long. I've also realized nothing is the same in Kelowna as it was, people have changed, I've changed and I know it's for the better.

Last night was Sierra's grad and I was her date. The night started off with me getting dressed at my dad's, taking some pictures with my step brother (it was his actual grad) and then going to meet my date. From there I hung out with Jackie and headed to some way to nice house on the lake to take pictures. From there we headed to the sails to take more pictures and do the walk. At about this point I realized I knew no one in this grad class other then a few kids I met that day and I knew from when I went to that school but other then that seemed like these kids weren't at KSS last year. So the awkwardness began. After the walk I went to dinner with a bunch of people I barely knew and had a bomb clubhouse. After that we went back to the dance part of the grad that was a little less awkward. After dancing for a bit I went and got Jodie's hella nice (syke!) ford tempo and went to pick up the ladies. Then the party began, we drove to a bush party where it seemed like all the kids from the rest of the evenings events disappeared and there were now new kids I didn't know but now they were all drunk. After kicking it at this party for awhile and randomly seeing some old friends who were about as outta place as I felt, I ran into a friend who was as ready to leave as I was, it was nice to step away from the dwindling fire and talk to her for a minute. After Jordy and Sierra were partied out I drove 5 drunk kids home and crashed on Sierra's couch.

Today made up for last night. My mom drove up from Revelstoke to come get me and I gotta spend the day with her shopping and driving back to Revelstoke. So now I'm "home" for a couple days and it's bin kinda nice so far. Also picked up GTA IV today so far its pretty tight, bit different feel then San Andreas but good none the less.

I also found a house in Kelowna which is a load off my back as well, thanks Nat. After spending about a week in Kelowna I've realized nothings the same as it was before, everyone seems to have things to do to keep them busy and I just don't right now, I guess I will when I go back and am in school and what not.

Also something that I've had my hopes up for way to long I've realized is not what I truly want. I don't know if I've changed all that much since I left but alot of the things I use to love about Kelowna sure seem to have, definitely a majour bumm out.


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